

Mark 8:29-33


I find this passage challenging. It seems at first that Peter gets what Jesus is all about: He is the Messiah. Then, three verses later, Jesus rebukes Peter in front of all the disciples. Peter recognised Jesus as Messiah, but he didn’t see the whole picture. Christ’s description of what the Messiah should do did not fit with what Peter had in mind.

God sees the bigger picture. God knows exactly what we need. The way He chooses to provide to our needs might not be as we expect, but putting our trust in His sovereignty and wisdom is the best thing we can do.


Lord Jesus, thank you that you know what is best. Thank you that I can trust that you want what is best for me and that you are able to provide that. Please give me the faith to trust in you especially when I don’t fully understand what you are doing. Amen.


"If our greatest need had been information, God would have sent an educator. If our greatest need had been technology, God would have sent us a scientist. If our greatest need had been money, God would have sent us an economist. But since our greatest need was forgiveness, God sent us a Saviour."

~Max Lucado~

Photo by Joshua Hanks on Unsplash


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