

Mark 2:27-28


Working from home more has been an interesting experience. I’ve found that, even though I do not ‘commute’ further than a couple of meters from our kitchen to my desk and back, I still struggle to show up on time for meetings. Even though we have no need to travel to school, our daughter still logs onto Google Classroom a couple of minutes late.

I have also noticed that there is a distinct blurriness between the so-called ‘work life’ and ‘home life.’ These two often distinct aspects of life frequently merge into a gray area of uncertainty and stress. That is why getting good rest is so important. God knew we would need rest long before the pandemic; from the start of creation. So He created the Sabbath (a day of rest). 

Unfortunately this can also be skewed from its original intended use. Jesus says that ‘the Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.’ He highlights the danger of making the Sabbath rest another rule to follow rather than a time of restoration and communion with God. Sabbath rest is very important. So important that God created a special day for it every week. But if we see the Sabbath as a precept rather than a present, we’re missing the point.


Lord Jesus, thank you that you care for us enough to also want us to rest well. Please forgive me for the times I chose to forgo rest. Please help me to find rest in you and your presence.


“Sabbath isn't about resting perfectly; it's about resting in the One who is perfect.”

~Shelly Miller~

Photo by Sid Leigh on Unsplash


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