

Mark 2:9-12


Not far from New York there is a cemetery where there is a grave which has inscribed upon its headstone just one word—"Forgiven." There is no name, no date of birth or death. The stone is unembellished by the sculptor's art. There is no epitaph, no fulsome eulogy—just that one word, "Forgiven." But that is the greatest thing that can be said of any man, or written upon his grave, "Forgiven."

Jesus has the power to forgive. However, the teachers of the law didn’t think so because they didn’t recognise Jesus as divine. They thought it was impossible for a human to forgive sin. They must also have thought it impossible for a paralyzed man to be healed. How wrong they were on both counts.

Maybe you are finding it difficult to accept God’s forgiveness for yourself. Maybe you are at a place where it seems impossible for anyone (especially God!) to forgive you. If that is the case, here is a timely reminder that Jesus indeed ‘has authority on earth to forgive sins.’


Lord Jesus, how wonderful it is to know that you can forgive my sin. Thank you that you can and want to forgive me. Please set me free from my sin that I too may praise you in awe and wonder. Amen.


"God pardons like a mother, who kisses the offense into everlasting forgiveness."

~Henry Ward Beecher~

Photo by Gus Moretta on Unsplash


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