

Mark 15:45-47


A time of waiting is mostly, in my experience, a very difficult time indeed. The Saturday between the heartbreak of Good Friday and the joyous victory of Easter Sunday can seem like a difficult time because we know what’s coming, but we’re not there yet. It’s a quiet time. Like tombs usually are. It can feel like nothing is happening; no movement. It can feel like time is standing still. Rest assured that God is still in control, even in the times of waiting; the times when it feels like we’re in limbo. Maybe today will be a good day to be intentionally quiet and just listen, watch and wait for the coming victory.


Lord Jesus, thank you that your burial was also not the final chapter in the story of redemption. Thank you that we can look forward to the promise of a victorious resurrection and that you are with me in the quietness of waiting. Amen.


”It is in the course of our feeble and very imperfect waiting that God Himself, by His hidden power, strengthens us and works out in us the patience of the great saints, the patience of Christ Himself.”

~Andrew Murray~

Photo by berenice martinez on Unsplash


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