

Mark 11:27-33


Lots of people asked Jesus questions and explanations in His time on earth. Nicodemus (a Pharisee) came to Jesus late at night and asked Him questions, and Jesus gladly taught him (John 3). Christ’s disciples asked Him questions about the parables He told, and Jesus gladly explained. However, we see in today’s passage that Jesus chose not to explain himself to the Pharisees asking about His authority. I can only imagine that it’s because of their hearts that He chose not to give them a straight answer. They had ulterior motives and Jesus saw right through them. They were also more concerned about what the people might think than hearing and accepting the truth.

Let us learn from this interaction to always come before God with open hearts, in truth and sincerity. We can never trick Jesus or coax an answer out of Him with sweet talk. He knows us too well. Let us be honest and sincere in our dealings with God.


Lord Jesus, thank you that you want us to come to with questions. Please forgive me for the times I came to you with ulterior motives. Please help me see your love for me and give me the courage to come to you in honesty and sincerity. Amen.


“It is safe to tell the pure in heart that they shall see God, for only the pure in heart want to.”

~C.S. Lewis~

Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash


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